Difference between roles of the Engineer as per FIDIC conditions of contracts and Engineering supervision
There are still many misunderstandings and misinterpretations regarding utilization of FIDIC and FIDIC own attempts to clarify some aspects of the obligation of the Engineer are creating potential issues and disputes. With 1999 edition, FIDIC made decision not only to improve but to make significant changes on the basic principles of the model contracts, as well as significant changes to the role of the Engineer.
Srdjan Topalovic from ITCE doo and Lana Vukmirovic Misic from Vukmirovic Misic law firm-JPM Partner provide detailed explanation of the evolution of the role of the FIDIC Engineer and clarify the difference between roles of the Engineer and Engineering Supervision in accordance with Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Montenegro. The article will be published and presented at the 8th International Conference “Civil Engineering- Science and Practice”, GNP 2022- Kolasin, Montenegro, 8-12 March 2022
It is important that Employers are aware of this different roles, different legal and/or stakeholder’s requirements and to take all of the circumstances into consideration when preparing Terms of Reference for selection of consulting engineers and/or Engineering supervision services.
Detailed analyses is available in the article HERE.